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Ratings & Awards

The biggest award and recognition is the confidence that our clients repose in us when they entrust us with their capital. The team has also received the following awards which is a testament to our strong performance-first investment culture.


Ashoka India Equity (AIE:LN) Trust is the winner of Investment Week’s Investment Company of the Year Single Country award 2022
Please refer below link to know more
Ashoka India Equity (AIE:LN) Trust is the winner of the Citywire Investment Trust Insider Emerging Market Single Country award 2022
Please refer below link to know more
Prashant Khemka is AA rated by Citywire based on the three-year risk adjusted performance across all funds he is managing to 31st October 2022
Ashoka India Equity (AIE:LN) Trust is the winner of Investment Week’s Investment Company of the Year Single Country award 2022
Please refer below link to know more
Ashoka India Equity (AIE:LN) Trust is the winner of the Citywire Investment Trust Insider Emerging Market Single Country award 2022
Please refer below link to know more
Citywire Investment Trust Awards 2022: The Winners!
Prashant Khemka is AA rated by Citywire based on the three-year risk adjusted performance across all funds he is managing to 31st October 2022
Please refer below link to know more
Citywire Investment Trust Awards 2022
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